Work Related Injuries & Illnesses

If you are injured at work, you do not need to be on the NMSU health plan to receive medical care at the Aggie Health & Wellness Center.  In fact, NMSU recommends that an injured employee see a AHAWC medical provider first for all care that does not require emergency intervention.
Exceptions are:
  • Need for emergency hospital care
  • Serious injury that occurs after Center hours
  • Injury that occurs outside Las Cruces area

Workers’ Compensation


If any of the above work related situations occur, the NMSU Workers’ Comp Coordinator (575-646-7375) and the AHWC (575-646-1512) should be contacted within 24 hours to coordinate all follow-up medical care.


Every effort shall be made to implement an early return to work program to ensure that sound claims management procedures have been accomplished and that reasonable accommodations and opportunities afforded by applicable legal mandates have been explored, no state employee shall be terminated from employment because of a job-related injury or illness or physical circumstances resulting from a job-related injury or illness unless the state agency has provided advance notice to the state risk management division.  Vacant positions resulting from job related injuries or illnesses shall not be filled, except by temporary employment.
(1)     A position may be permanently filled if there is documented medical diagnosis or evidence that an employee with a job-related injury or illness has reached maximum medical improvement or that the employee’s impairment or condition is permanent and that the employee cannot perform the essential functions of the particular job.
(2)     A position may be permanently filled if there is a critical need and that need cannot be satisfied with temporary employment, and the employer has made a “good faith” effort to do so.